For couples who will undergo vaccination treatment, treatment begins with menstruation. The woman is given drugs within the framework of the determined protocol to ensure the formation of eggs, and the growth of the follicles (cysts containing the egg) is followed by ultrasound monitoring at regular intervals. When the follicles reach a certain size, a fracturing needle (HCG) is applied and inoculation is made 36-40 hours later.
The sperm of the man used in the vaccination process is obtained by masturbation and is used after washing with special liquids in the laboratory.
After vaccination, treatment can be started to support the luteal phase, but this is not essential as in IVF treatment.
A pregnancy test is done 14 days after vaccination.
On the day of vaccination, the couple comes together. After the sperms taken from the husband are processed in the laboratory, the woman is taken to the gynecology table. Following the necessary cleaning of the vagina, sperm are injected into the uterus with the help of a catheter. After the procedure, the patient can be sent after resting for 15-20 minutes. After vaccination, the patient can continue his normal activities, no restrictions are needed.
Pregnancy rates with vaccination are around 15%, and pregnancy rates close to an IVF treatment are obtained with 3 vaccinations.
Usually it should not be done more than 3 times.
Vaccination indications:
1. Unexplained infertility cases
2.Patients with ovulation defects (polycystic ovary disease)
3. Problems with the cervix (cervical factor)
4. Early stage endometriosis with no damage to the tubes
5. Mild male-related causes (sperm count 1 million in the washed sample, over 10 million in total)
Drugs that can be used in vaccination
Clomiphene citrate: Klomen, Gonaphen, Clomid
HMG: Merional, Fostim, Menapur, Meriofert
rFSH: Gonal-F, Puregon
HCG: Choriomon, Ovitralle
Aromatase inhibitors: Femera, Letu